Do you know Trabzon in Turkeyas a Honeymoon Destination ?

If you think wedding preparations can be very tiring, wait until you start planning your honeymoon! A honeymoon trip is a once in a lifetime experience for most couples. From budget estimates to packing tips, honeymoon planning requires a great deal of research. Trabzon Honeymoon Tour Packages  

The historic city of Trabzon in Turkey is one of the most exciting honeymoon destinations for couples in the Middle East. The beautiful city of Trabzon is located in the northeast of Turkey. It shares an exotic bay on the southeast coast of the Black Sea. The city also offers attractive views of the Pontic Mountains in the background.

Turkish Airlines, Pegasus, Kuwait Airways, Air Arabia, Flynnas are among the airlines that fly in Trabzon.
The main tourist attraction in Trabzon is Uzungl (long lake), a lake located south of the city of Trabzon. The village on the banks of the lake is also named Uzungal. Over the years, this picturesque lake, its village, and the surrounding valley have become popular tourist attractions.

Hagia Sophia in Trazon

Best things to see in Trabzon

From beautiful Trabzon beaches to historic places, the city has all the attractions and sights to make your honeymoon memorable.

Uzhungal Lake

The lake is located 99 km from the city center of Trabzon, and 19 km from the district center of Çaykara. It is a very popular tourist attraction and is most famous for its natural environment. The surrounding mountain forests and fog, sometimes covering the lake at night, add beauty to the scenery.

Hagia Sophia

The Hagia Sophia is a museum, formerly the Greek Orthodox Church which was converted into a mosque in 1584, and located in the Trabzon in the northeastern part of Turkey. It dates back to the thirteenth century when Trabzon was the capital of the Trembond Empire.

Ataturk Pavilion

Visitors can visit the interior and grounds of this stately former house of the renowned Turkish leader.

Kaal Magarasi

Cal Magarsi is a tourist destination loved especially by couples on a honeymoon. It is a beautiful miniature valley which is very well maintained and illuminated. It has a wooden bridge with colored lights that pass through the cave. Istanbul Honeymoon Tour Packages  

Sumela Math

Sumela Monastery is a Greek Orthodox monastery within the Pontic Mountains. The monastery is one of the most attractive and historical places and tourist attractions in Trabzon.

Sumela Monastery in Trabzon

Altindere Vadissi National Park

Trabzon tourism is no better than this. Altindere Vadisi National Park is a magnificent forest on the way to Sumila Math. It has lots of waterfalls, comfortable seating areas and romantic coffee shops. It is a piece of paradise for honeymoon couples.


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